Water wells

Constructing water wells to supply villages lacking clean water with free, pure water.

Turning clean water from a luxury into an everyday essential

In Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan, obtaining clean water is a big problem. Many people cannot afford to buy water, and when they do have access, it’s often contaminated, leading to health issues. People have to walk miles every day just to get water, and they’re never sure if it’s safe to drink. To help, SMRO has built water wells in places like Om-Durman, Juba, and Wau, giving clean water to about 2000 people from each well.

However, there’s still a lot of work to do because so many places don’t have clean water. Building each well, which includes a water tank, the drilling, setting up a solar system, and the plumbing, costs about $20,000. Your support is vital in our ongoing mission to supply clean, free water to tens of thousands of people in need. Your donation makes a significant difference, ensuring that clean water is not just a luxury but a reality for those in desperate need.


Spent on building wells for citizens in Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan


Families have access to free, pure water thanks to our water wells


Surrounding villages now have access to water


Wells built in Africa by SMRO

The Difference We're Making


South Sudan

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit One Lord. Amen.

We would like to thank all the Organizers of the St. Moses Charity in Toronto, Canada. Special thank you, Mrs. Clair Saad. May the Lord Bless your service.

St. Moses Charity is a unique service specializing in assisting students from elementary school all the way to post-secondary school. This service was needed and has accomplished a great deal of support to many students. 
May the Lord Bless this service in Toronto, Canada.

Help us make clean water accessible in every home

*We’re a 100% non-profit organization